D Dominant Lines
/This lesson I teach 4 different D dominant lines in the key of G. Each line has a unique resolve to move us back to the one chord.
Read MoreThis lesson I teach 4 different D dominant lines in the key of G. Each line has a unique resolve to move us back to the one chord.
Read MoreFour lines that approach the four chord in different ways.
Read MoreWe will learn signature lines from three of my Guitar Heroes, Norman Blake, Tony Rice and Leon Rhodes.
Read MoreFour Hot Lines that will challenge and make your solos pop! Two that are styled from guitar Masters Charlie Christian and Grant Green. Two original lines from yours truly!
Read MorePresenting four of my favorite Jazz lines to spice up your solos. I teach one of my favorite Clint Strong lines. Turnaround in the key of G and a tritone arpeggio are also demonstrated. Last is a versatile minor line you can use in many situations.
Read MorePresenting four of my favorite Jazz lines to spice up your solos. I teach a G intro line that is built from a G chord shape. The next line is a favorite of mine. I play a IV maj7 line over a V chord. I have cool iim7 line to V that make use of some outside sounding notes. Last is a slick key of D turnaround that is fun to play!
Read MoreFour lines in the key of G. First line starts with a chromatic descending line and ends with a bluesy outro. Next is a banjo line that will challenge your left hand. The third line is one my favorite open melodic lines ever. Last is a rowdy, bluesy line with attitude! All 4 lines in G are transcribed and are included in the lesson.
Read MoreFour of my favorite lines that you can use to spice up your solos. First is a descending line with some smooth slides in G. Second line is a cascading open floating line in the key of D. Next line is a three position ascending line in C. Last line is a crafty and challenging line in the key of G. All are taught in detail with subtle techniques discussed.
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